Having an attitude of gratitude

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

With this year closely coming to an end, I’d like to express my gratitude for everything that’s happened throughout this hectic year.

I firmly believe that being grateful and having an attitude of gratitude are important in having a happy and successful life. It’s simple to feel a little overburdened or depleted because of trying moments. It might be challenging to focus on the positives when negative emotions and thoughts are present. Gratitude is a straightforward exercise that can help to lessen negative emotions.

I understand that, at times, it is especially difficult to be grateful when times are tough, such as a deal not having gone through, losing out on your properties, or maybe even something going on in your family life.

As an answer to that, I iterate that being appreciative is not only helpful but also crucial. In reality, when faced with a crisis, having a grateful attitude toward life will benefit us the most. Gratitude can invigorate you while you’re feeling down; it has the ability to restore wholeness in the face of brokenness. Gratitude can instil optimism in the face of sorrow. In other words, being grateful can help us get through challenging situations.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that in a time of need, having gratitude will be simple or natural. Being thankful for wonderful things comes naturally. Nobody “feels” appreciative for having lost their job, their home, their health, or their retirement savings.

Although, it is important to recognize the difference between being appreciative and just feeling grateful. Our emotions are not entirely under our control. It is difficult for us to force ourselves to feel appreciative, happier, or less unhappy.

Our perspective on the world, our ideas about how things should be and as they are, and the distance between these ideas all influence our feelings.

With all that being said, despite all the ups and downs I have come across throughout this year, I am choosing to be especially grateful as all these experiences have brought me to where I am today. I am thankful for all the deals closed, all the meetings attended, and all the people I have grown close to throughout my property investment journey.

Have you adopted an attitude or mindset of being appreciative and grateful? I would love to know.

#gratefulness #attitudeofgratitude #growth #success #UKProperty #PropertyInvestment #UKPropertyTastic

Having an attitude of gratitude

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